begin again…

heartbreak is inevitable. in such a fragile life where we are always changing our tides shift and we are left in the wake of a new beginning, often times disguised as an end. it is important to have your heart broken because it means that you loved something well enough for it’s absence to matter. it is important to have your heart broken because it teaches us how to let go of things that we can’t imagine going on without yet do. it is important to have your heart broken because in the breaking we become more beautiful still. things end because they are bad and things end because they are good, but in every case things end because it is not the thing that is meant for you. heartbreak is inevitable but it is temporary because for every time you break there is also a brilliant possibility to begin again.


Now read this

love extraordinary.

in any given moment infinite miracles happen, visible and invisible, the beating of a new heart and the unseen answer to a silent prayer. on any given day we are existing in an improbable possibility, everything we are, everything we... Continue →