believing grace.


when we feel like we have our lives together, we don’t need grace, right? we’ve been conditioned to believe that grace is an eraser used only when we mess up, when we fall down and become entrapped or ensnared, when we feel ashamed, guilty, or hurt. grace is typically viewed as an anti-venom to guilt and shame, and yes, these things are a byproduct of the beauty of this gift but we shouldn’t be so prideful as to think that it is the sole function. grace is so much more than that.

grace does what we can not, grace is a vital part of our story, of our every day. grace sustains us, grace gives us freedom, graces lets us live in the fullness of God’s will for our lives. grace does so much more than simply blot out our record, although praise Him that it does do that as well.

grace is the most dynamic agent that we will ever know, it starts at the cross, by making a fallen people, right with God but it doesn’t stop there. it is always working, it is with you, right now, in this moment. not just when you feel like you need it, but when you feel like you’re doing pretty good on your own too. it’s constantly doing what you can not and could never do on your own. it’s there paving a way between you and God, it’s there covering you that you might be seen blameless always, that you might have peace with the One who loves you.

if you let it, grace will transform you. if you let it, grace might actually convince you of the truth that you, no matter where you’ve been or where you’re headed, have the choice to walk into what you have been designed to be, alive and free. if you let it, grace with call you by your name and not by your sin. if you let it, grace will be more than you could ever imagine.
could you image that? can you imagine authentic freedom? from the pain that haunts you, from the obstacles you can’t seem to overcome. can you imagine genuine love? that calls you worthy, that rejoices in you, that pursues you always. can you believe grace? that is not for the most broken, or for someone better, that it is for you. that it always has been and always will be there for you because you are free and you are loved and in Christ, you are something new. could you believe grace for what it is?

((whoever is a believer in Christ is a new creation. The old way of living has disappeared. A new way of living has come into existence.)) 2 Corinthians 5:17

((the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.)) John 10:10


Now read this


((now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.)) 2 Corinthians 3:17 why is it that we as humans are so afraid to be free? I believe that it is impossible for us, on our own, to fully accept the depth... Continue →