
((then I said to myself, ‘oh, He even sees me in the dark! at night I’m still immersed in the light’ it’s a fact, darkness isn’t dark to You. night & day, darkness & light, they’re all the same to You.)) Psalm 139:11-12

when we are little we are all afraid of the dark, it is where you don’t have any defense or sight of the monsters that are hiding under your bed. we grow up and try to act more brave, we try to pretend like the dark doesn’t scare us anymore, but for a lot of the same reasons as when we were little - it’s terrifying. in the dark you lose direction, you lose vision, you are vulnerable and helpless. in the dark you are unable to sense those around you, you can’t find the way out, and often times you have little to no idea where to even start. in the dark everything is nothing and everything seems to have no beginning and no end, and for all these reasons, we are and should be very afraid. but, what if instead of being truly in the dark, our eyes are simply shut and all we have to do is open them? when we are little when we cry out in the middle of the dark night for our Dad, He comes and turns on the lights to find us scared and crying over monsters that we are convinced can harm us when in reality are only figments of our imagination. in the same way when we grow up I think God often times finds us in the same way. we are fearfully crying out in the dark for help and He in His loving kindness answers our plea with light and suddenly we see the lies we’ve been believing for what they are, lies. in the light things are seen for what they are. truth comes with the Light, direction comes with the Light, clarity comes with the Light, peace comes with the Light, true life comes with the Light and it’s yours if you just ask. even if you feel like it right now, you’re not living in darkness, there is Light that is waiting on the other side of closed eyes and a God that has always been in the room with You quieting You with His love while You were broken, lost and terrified.
He always is and always be closer than You ever could imagine.
He is always right alongside you.

when we are little when we cry out in the middle of the dark night for our Dad, He comes and turns on the lights, finding us scared and crying, so He comes to comfort us until we believe Him that the monsters we are so afraid of aren’t real and hold no power. in the same way when we grow up I think God often times finds us in the same way.


Now read this

the unfolding

in times of chaos and confusion often times I begin to flail. in times of silence I begin to doubt. in times of things falling apart I tend to fall apart too. but what if the chaos and confusion are simply leading to a time of peace and... Continue →