people need people.

when i am alone i deeply realize the absence of others.
when i am with them, i barely recognize their presence.
why is it that we tend to so severely undervalue who others are in our lives and what they mean to us, especially those who mean the most?

people need other people.
emotionally, spiritually, physically and logistically life is impossible to do alone. even the strongest are not strong enough and the most independent must ask for help at times. our weaknesses lead to us reaching for one another and this dependency creates relationship, a bond that is essential to everything we are.

it is messy to need other people, but the mess is worth the gain. we are all imperfect, inevitably flawed. no matter how hard we try not to, we will at some point hurt those around us perhaps in a little way, or perhaps in a big way. we try to do good and get it wrong, we try to make believe that we are good and fail miserably. the mess we make is impossible to avoid, but the cleanup is what determines character.

how much do we love when it makes no sense to?
how much do we believe in impossible things and impossible people?
how do we consider one another?
how do we believe for the best?
how do we let go and hold on?

these are the things that we are made of, that you are made of.
these are the things that matter most,
there are the things people need from you,
love, faith and hope.
you are making and impact in the lives of those you touch, it might be imperfect, it might be messy, but it is beautiful. you are doing a great work simply by being exactly who you are. you are needed now and always.
people need people,
people need someone just like you.


Now read this

the unfolding

in times of chaos and confusion often times I begin to flail. in times of silence I begin to doubt. in times of things falling apart I tend to fall apart too. but what if the chaos and confusion are simply leading to a time of peace and... Continue →