reflections on a sunrise

((from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.)) PSALM 113:3

have you ever seen the sky open its sleepy eyes?
have you ever watched a still gray morning fade into brilliant light?
have you you ever been awe struck by such effortless beauty?
as the soft pink light kisses the earth and clothes it with a peaceful glow.
as the fiery colors up above awaken your soul and the cup of coffee in your hand awakens your tired mind.
as you soak it all in, trying to express it all, trying to fathom it.
how something could be so expertly crafted, so miraculously made.
a good morning from God, reminding us that just like the sky is made beautiful by His breathe each morning, we are being made beautiful too.


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vibrant, colorful, fulfilled

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