
I want to be known, I want to get the credit, I want to be in control and that is a dangerous place to be.

I am in no way equipped or able to accomplish my purpose here by myself, I am in no way able to take credit for the Love I have been shown and therefore get to give. I am not the mapmaker of my life, I am just the wanderer. I am not the Author, only a blessed character in the most beautiful story ever told.

I want to be unknown, I don’t want to get the credit, I want to lay down my plans in exchange for greater ones, I want to live like this life is not my own and that is a wildly wonderful place to be.


Now read this

unsinkable soul

life is broken, it is short, it is chalkful of chaos, pain and sorrow, but, oh, how sweet it is. i believe in the comeback story, i believe that in God beauty always comes from ashes, the prodigal child always comes home and the ending... Continue →