your mess is Mine.

I played you a song today in the car while you were driving from here to there, while you were telling Me all the things you regret, all the things you hate, all the things that are wrong. it breaks My heart when you talk like this. you’re too precious to Me to feel so much hurt, so I tried to tell you in love, “your mess is Mine.” isn’t it crazy how an ordinary man and an ordinary song can become so extraordinary in a divine context? you understood when I spoke to your heart in this way. i could tell in the way you started to let peace in a little and cry a little - a broken beautiful. you’ve seen so much, been so many places, felt too much, hurt too much and been running for so long now. you have to be tired My love, so put down the mess. put down the past, put down the fear, put down the ghosts and give them to Me. it is safe here with Me. I am like nothing you’ve ever known and I’m going to take you on a journey that you could never have imagined, but it will not be easy. you will struggle, you will fight and you will fail, but i will never leave you - and in the midst of chaos, when your entire world is falling around you, always remember today, when I played you a song -today in the car while you were driving from here to there and telling Me all the things you regret, all the things you hate, all the things that are wrong … your mess is Mine.


Now read this

Living a light filled life

((let no one look down on you because you are young, but instead lead by example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.)) 1 TIMOTHY 4:12 what a life lived by example when you are young truly mean? does it mean you shut... Continue →