chosen, accepted, loved

some of the most utterly defeating moments in life stem from simply not being chosen by the world, and by each other. with so many potential opportunities and roads to walk down, sometimes the answer is inevitably ‘no, not this path’ but instead of recognizing this gentle push in the right direction by the hand of Love, we either weep at the crossroads longing for something that was not meant for us or we try to run down roads that are distracting us from where we should be headed, leading us in circles to keep us from the fullness that is promised. why do we do this?

some of the most utterly defeating moments in life stem from being rejected by the world, and by each other. with so many potential opportunities and roads to walk down, sometimes the answer is undeniably ‘no, not this path’ but instead of recognizing this gentle push in the right direction by the hand of Love, we take in upon ourselves that we are not enough, we are not worth loving, we are not equipped or able, we are destined to fail and to live miserably. these things are simply not true.

although being denied and rejected is inevitable, our reaction to these things doesn’t have to be. it is normal to be confused, to be hurt, to be desperate for answers as doors slam in front of you, but as your plans unravel, praise God, trust God, know God and know His heart for you.
you are chosen, you are accepted and you are loved and He is working all things for your good.


Now read this

Living a light filled life

((let no one look down on you because you are young, but instead lead by example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.)) 1 TIMOTHY 4:12 what a life lived by example when you are young truly mean? does it mean you shut... Continue →