don’t you know?


don’t you know who you are? you are a ray of rainbow light dancing across a dimly lit room. you are a dandelion releasing a hundred tiny wishes into a daydream. you’re a wildflower, blooming where ever you take root, adding wonder and beauty to a dull world.

don’t you know your name? you are known, living in the freedom and fullness of life. you are secure, believing that despite rejection, fear and hurt you have infinite worth. you are whole, trusting that even when you feel like you’re in shattered bits, you’re being held together by Love.

don’t you know the promises? the promises that have been made to give you rest, to give you peace, to remind you of the unrelenting fight and pursuit for your heart, your mind, your soul? don’t you know that you are worth fighting for? worth pursuing? worth loving? don’t you know that He’s never far, that He is waiting for you…

don’t you know that He sees you and delights in everything about you. the things that you hide, the things that are raw and that hurt. the things that you can never imagine anyone accepting, the things that haunt you as you stare blankly into the past? He asks for those things. He asks for them because in His embrace, don’t you know you’re free from them?

don’t you know that the names that play in your head, that mock you and discount you and make you feel empty, don’t you know they hold no power? don’t you know that one Name silences them all? don’t you know that there is an invitation being extended, an offer to a glory that exceeds all the sorrow and joy of this world. an offer to accept true love and experience true life. don’t you know that you have been created to accept it?

don’t you know that there is exceedingly abundantly more waiting? how can there not be as the breath of the Universe is in your lungs, as the greatest Joy that has ever been known fills your heart, as you are led down the twists and turns of life’s paths holding a trusting hand?

don’t you know that you were made for this?


Now read this

things I wish I had known then…

1.) trying to be something you’re not meant to be is the best way to be miserable. 2.) you were created fearfully and wonderfully with gifts that were given to you to do something that only you can do, go do that thing and do it well.... Continue →