every step, every moment, every day

often times when we are on a path that we did not choose for ourselves, we cry out. we question if God truly does care for us, we question whether our prayers are being heard or not, we question if there will ever be an end. we feel as if there is no possible way to carry on, day after day, week after week, month after month, and the truth is we can’t. Only He can. There are roads that as believers we are led down to make us bare, to make us let go of whatever we’ve been carrying because it threatens to be our hinder us from pressing on as our path gets steeper, and then when we have shed every heavy thing we reach some places that seem to be sheer vertical rockface. what do you do when you have no way up? you look up. you wholeheartedly know that if God led you to this obstacle, He meant it for your good. day by day you are lifted, moment by moment you ascend and just like Peter, keep your eyes on Jesus, for what’s below is too treacherous to look back on. if you trust and you follow and you submit all your plans to the Lord, you will make it through, you will be able to scale the impossible, you will have exceedingly abundantly more. I know this because He promised it and God is not only a promise maker, He is a promise keeper. keep climbing, keep trusting. you are a more than a conqueror.


Now read this


When we are faced with obstacles, with lows, with things that we feel like will break us, what is our natural response? To fight. To fight for what we want, fight to improve our situation, to fight for a better outcome. However, I... Continue →