*insert name here*

there is someone out there that changed you.
there is someone out there that opened your eyes when you couldn’t see how wonderful you are and held your hand when you had to overcome big obstacles.
there is someone out there who gave you hope, hope that not every story has to have a sad ending and that every good thing doesn’t have to end.
there is someone out there that you love, that you have loved and will always love.
there is someone out there that has become a part of you.

whether your hand is interwoven with their’s while you’re reading this or you have not spoken to that person in years, I know you are thinking of someone right now.
there is someone right now who is flooding your brain, and it might be a beautiful or terrible thing for you, but there is someone who you are thinking of still as you read these words…
there is someone out there that you love, that you have loved and will always love.
there is someone out there that has become a part of you.


Now read this

peaceful patience.

((get ride of your worries, cast all of your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.)) 1 PETER 5:7 ((when i am afraid, i put my trust in You.)) PSALM 56:3 ((I know all the things you do & I have opened a door for you that no one can... Continue →