follow fearlessly.

((be strong and courageous. do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.)) JOSHUA 1:9

((‘come follow Me’ Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men.’)) MATTHEW 4:19

following Jesus can be translated to so many different things. however, in my opinion three simple words are all that is needed, a simple command changes everything…come follow Me.
this statement serves as an invitation, a sign of surrender and an acceptance of the gift of true life. this command evokes a reaction, to follow. following means to leave yesterday at the foot of the cross everyday, living in boldness with the secure promise of a beautiful tomorrow. following means to constantly have open hands and an open heart, to constantly be asking the Lord for His direction instead of trying to figure it all out on your own. following means to serve well with what we’ve been entrusted with even when it’s not what we wanted. following is loving when it is not easy and grace is required. following is walking by faith and not by sight. following is doing the right thing when it is hard and you feel alone in it. following is stepping out even when you are afraid. following requires all of you.
to truly follow Jesus is not comfortable, it requires giving up yourself, your plans and your timing but in exchange you are given plans that are higher and timing that is perfect. it requires giving up temporary happiness gaining everlasting joy. it requires confusion but is refined to clarity. it requires you to be brave with your life. the path is narrow and it is full of obstacles but, living a life in the fullness of loving and serving well is better than a life longing to know what true fulfillment looks like.
I don’t know what tomorrow looks likes but I do know that as long as I’m following where He leads me, it will exceedingly abundantly more than I could ever ask or imagine and living in that truth I find unshakable peace.


Now read this

vibrant, colorful, fulfilled

when we see people who are living out big lives, who seem to see differently, who love so radically, and live every day fully, something inside of us longs for the joy we watch in their sparkling eyes. something inside of us cries out,... Continue →