these sweet little moments

the bits of brightness that arrest you in awe, that floor you and stun you and give you new hope, a shock of enthusiasm, a pep. the nights and the days that highlight the years, that stand out, that matter, that will be the stories told in some other life. the people and the places and the feelings, the sense that everything has been done before, and that somehow some magic still exists. i want to live in those moments, those sweet little moments, in the kisses and the laughs, in the shivers, in the tears, in the goosebumps. i want to share them, i want to show them, i want to display them with pride, because those sweet little moments weren’t meant to keep inside. i wear them subtly but boldly as well, they’re who i’ve been, who i am, and who i’ve yet to be.


Now read this

breathing in new life

it hurts to inhale, it’s cold, it’s icy, it’s sharp but as my thoughts race to escape the chill, i suddenly find comfort in it’s embrace. something inside me starts to once again spring to life, the goosebumps beneath my thin shirt, the... Continue →