giving up “good”

in life we are drawn to good,
oftentimes good is comfortable
oftentimes good is what we work hard for
oftentimes good is a good thing -
but i think that we were made for more than good.

in life it is hard to fathom great,
to reach beyond what is in front of us
to take a chance on something
to believe that there is more than good
and I think in believing that great is possible, incredible things can happen.

I believe dreams can be realized
I believe that trajectories can be changed
I believe that the impossible can become possible
I believe that we can walk fully into everything God has imagined us to be.

not just good, but great.


Now read this

a yellow butterfly

you’re alive, you’re here, you’re beautiful. maybe you didn’t know it, but you’ve been out of your cocoon for a while now. maybe you didn’t know it but your brilliant wings have been sweetly dried by the sun’s healing rays. maybe you... Continue →