God in the midst of brokeness

when things go wrong, when our expectations of life far outreach the current reality we exist in, what is there to do? do we worship God or do we blame Him? do we doubt that God is good in every circumstance? Do we walk away for the emptiness of following our own will, our known comforts, our vain desires or do we trust with an unyielding childlike faith? in these words, i struggle, i feel the hypocrisy with every ink stroke, because right now, i am struggling to see the purpose in my broken circumstance. i am failing to commit a severed relationship that once brought so much life, joy and glory to God to His goodness, but do i sin an blame God for the fall? no. i stand firm that this pain, this deep sorrow filled darkness is fleeting, and just like the stormy sky, will pass in order for the ever brilliant sun to peek through. to let awaited light dissipate the dread, the fear, the wondering. do i always know what God is working in and through my life? no. His ways are higher, His plan is greater, He is sweeter, so i surrender. i give all of me, for all of HIm. for His glory, His purpose…and even on the hardest days i don’t blame Him, i trust Him.


Now read this


((I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord. they are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope. then you will call to me. you will come and pray to me, and I will hear you.)) Jeremiah... Continue →