waiting well …

to say that a life’s victory is seen more clearly by it’s struggle than it’s triumph is to understand the glorious purpose in the seemingly undesirable chapters of the story that is being told through our lives. we all have pages, if not chapters, if not entire volumes of our journey that hold pain, frustration, confusion and a commonality of crying out to God to change the plot .. but what we often don’t see, until we look back, is the fullness of what is being written in and through those places. the darkest moments and the hardest years, where the dream seems lost and it feels like there’s no more fight .. that is where you will often find the grit of who you are and the grace of who Jesus is. from what I’ve seen and what I know about God, I believe that sometimes our biggest dreams might be our longest waits .. because in those waits you are being taught lessons you already thought we knew on an entirely new level, you are meeting people that you will need along the way, and you are becoming the person God has imagined you to be when you arrive to your promised land. so if you’re in the middle of a long wait, which in some ways I think we will always be, have hope because there’s victory in the struggle and hope for us still .. we are not forgotten, we are in the palm of a loving Father’s hand, being made more in his image and walking towards an incredible purpose for in all things we believe, God is good and He does good things. keep believing, your help is on the way.


Now read this

follow fearlessly.

((be strong and courageous. do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.)) JOSHUA 1:9 ((‘come follow Me’ Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men.’)) MATTHEW 4:19 following Jesus... Continue →