just say “yes”

the decision that requires truest courage,
the hardest thing you’ll ever do,
the most faith and fear filled word you’ll ever speak is

it is daunting, and the specifics are often unknown but over and over again we see God calling us into the unexpected by faith with the first step being a “yes”

sometimes our “yes” means staying, sometimes it means leaving.
sometimes our “yes” looks like getting our hearts broken,
sometimes our “yes” looks like wrecking our plans,
sometimes our “yes” looks nothing like we thought it would.
sometimes our “yes” leaves us in a place that we never though we’d be.

… but always our “yes” in faith is honored,
our obedient trust, is honored by miraculous outcome.
we see it in healing, we see it in restoration, we see it in blessing
and we see it in the overflow that follows a life continually throwing itself into the things that God calls us to, even when it doesn’t make sense and even when the ending seems unclear, to walk to the rhythm of “yes” and believe that the One who promised is faithful.


Now read this

a head held high

with her head held high and shoulders rolled back, an invisible crown balances perfectly on her head. sweet dignity walks in the room, clothed in strength and a perfect kind of peace. the epitome of a lady, she gracefully steps forward,... Continue →