peaceful patience.

((get ride of your worries, cast all of your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.)) 1 PETER 5:7

((when i am afraid, i put my trust in You.)) PSALM 56:3

((I know all the things you do & I have opened a door for you that no one can close. you have little strength, yet you obeyed my Word and did not deny me.)) REVELATION 3:8

what is it that you are waiting on? hoping for? praying for? there is something that is consuming you, it’s where your mind wanders, it’s the topic of a majority of your conversations with God. whatever it might be, i know that it’s scary. you feel afraid of the unknown, of the lurking dark deep waters that are threatening to drown you, but as the wind and waves roar and you feel as if you could never possibly survive the storm, remember to who you belong. remember who loves you, who is for you, who is fighting on your behalf. remember Whose voice thunders over the heavens and the earth, over your storm. remember Who holds you in His hands and Who is asking you reach out…
what is it that you are waiting on? hoping for? praying for? there is something that is consuming you, it’s where your mind wanders, it’s the topic of a majority of your conversations with God. whatever it might be it is being stitched together with the thread and mark of His Hands. there is a brilliant breakthrough coming on the horizon, there is something new coming. something vibrant, something wonderful, something exceeding abundantly more given to you by the One that is for you. dawn is coming, and all things are being made new, so breathe in grace, breathe out praise and trust that glorious light is about to break through.


Now read this

chosen, accepted, loved

some of the most utterly defeating moments in life stem from simply not being chosen by the world, and by each other. with so many potential opportunities and roads to walk down, sometimes the answer is inevitably ‘no, not this path’ but... Continue →