the gifts of true love

((love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.)) 1 Corinthians 13:4

what is love? what image does it immediately draw to our mind’s eye? flowers, chocolate, wedding bells? maybe something more unique? more romantic? more personal? whatever it brings to mind, I can tell you one thing I believe to be soberingly true, real love, the kind of love that lights up the sky has a lot less to do with an idealized fairy tale and a lot more to do with a real life, every day, brokenhearted struggle that requires gifts much more precious than any tangible thing. it requires grace, abundant grace, the kind of grace that doesn’t make sense, that isn’t deserved. it requires a two way street of acceptance, acceptance of flaws, of past mistakes and future blunders. it requires a lens of forgiveness, to see that even in the most trying of times, nothing is too far gone to not be concluded with a merciful kiss. to be patient, to quietly and peacefully wait as the refiner’s fire is blazing, as fruit is grown and lessons are learned. to stand confident, to not question, or accuse. to humbly praise, to build up, to grow, to nurture. and most importantly, to lay down pride. that no matter what the circumstance, to be able to admit that you have been wrong. to put down the bow and apologize for wrongly thrown fiery arrows of hate and destruction, and in that beautiful admission let what was intended for evil, be made into something glorious and good by the hand of Love. these things are the most priceless and romantic gifts that can ever be given. these are the gifts of true love.


Now read this

chosen, accepted, loved

some of the most utterly defeating moments in life stem from simply not being chosen by the world, and by each other. with so many potential opportunities and roads to walk down, sometimes the answer is inevitably ‘no, not this path’ but... Continue →