things I wish I had known then…

1.) trying to be something you’re not meant to be is the best way to be miserable. 2.) you were created fearfully and wonderfully with gifts that were given to you to do something that only you can do, go do that thing and do it well. 3.) be gentle with yourself, you will only ever have one body and it is much easier to preserve than to fix. 4.) always listen to your heart, if something feels right - chase it. 5.) if you can’t get someone out of your head, then there’s probably a reason. 6.) some people aren’t forever, they teach you something but aren’t meant to stay and that’s okay. 7.) don’t waste happy days looking back at something that you’re better without. 8.) the past is a place to visit, not to live. engage where you are now. 9.) take special notice during magical moments, notice everything and capture it, you’ll want to keep those memories with you always in their fullness. 10.) there is nothing worth chasing more than God. not approval, not perfection, not false hope. it is all smoke that is unattainable and the search will leave you empty.
11.) the only One that can satisfy the heart is the One who created it. 12.) people are going to criticize you, judge you and hurt you, even your friends, thats okay. keep your head high and love them anyways. 13.) once a door has been shut, leave it shut. 14.) God’s timing is always perfect. He hasn’t ever failed to provide and He never will. 15.) there will be roads you never expected to walk down that will seem strange but they will lead you to an extraordinarily beautiful life. 16.) there are only a handful of genuinely colorful people in this world, hold on to every single one of them. 17.) not everyone will love like you do, feel like you do or see things quite like you. 18.) if you know what is right, don’t persuade yourself into what is wrong. 19.) you have dreams inside your heart for a reason, work towards them 20.) you are more loved than you know. 21.) you are making a difference. 22.) God is always closer than you think. 23.) you get to choose who you has a piece of your heart, be wise. 24.) even the broken parts of you are worth loving. 25.) there will be a time when you look back and today will be a memory. do something to make it worth remembering.


Now read this

to whom it may concern

i hope you know how loved you are. i hope you see it in the way the sun shines through the trees & dances across your face. i hope you feel it in the small moments. i hope you feel it in the big moments. i hope you see it the way the... Continue →