the things you learn…

you need other people to love, to learn from and to grow with: we are wired to deeply crave community, to thrive when we are truly known by others, to be the most authentic version of ourselves in complete freedom & when we have these relationships in our lives we are more vibrant & able to love so much more. people matter, their dreams matter, their problems matter, their presence in your life matters, perhaps more than you could ever imagine.

today it might not make any sense at all, but someday it will: there are days that seem hopeless & there will be moments where you feel like God has not heard a single one of your prayers, but I promise you He has. today you might not see the outcome of whatever you’re believing for, but you will never be left disappointed if you continue to ask in faith. trust that even if you can’t see it now, exceedingly abundantly more is on the way.

you are responsible for you: at the end of the day when all is said & done, you are the only one who holds the consequence of the words you speak & the choices you make. no friend, no parent, no sibling, no mentor or any other kind of influence in your life will have to live with the outcome, so although you should most definitely weigh their wise counsel into your decision - you are ultimately responsible for the road you choose.

it’s okay to have your heart broken: this is one of the hardest things you will ever face, but after the tears & the hurt - there is peace knowing that you are one step closer to God’s will for your life & that in all things He is good. every one you love isn’t permanent, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t love them with everything you have. in the end, every relationship you’ve ever had will teach you something that has prepared your heart for the one you’ve been looking for all along.

in a busy, messy, chaotic world - you must learn to be still sometimes: in a world that rejoices in a life of freneticism which is them further propagated by gilded highlight reels of great relationships, perfect smiles and artsy angles it’s important to get away from the noise every now and then. to truly unplug is one of the most refreshing & spiritually strengthening things you could ever do for yourself. learn to be okay with silence, learn to be okay with letting your heart run wild for a bit, learn to be in the presence of God.

yesterday is yesterday - you had a beautiful life then & even though it might not seem like it now, you will have a beautiful life again: there are seasons of all of our lives that we wish that we could live in forever. maybe it was your high school football team’s winning season, the beginning of an incredible relationship, when your parents were still married or when you were free from the chains that now bind you, but whatever it is, there has been a time where things were unbelievably good. maybe they’re not right now, but I promise you they will be again. life comes & goes in waves.

God is the only constant.: Jesus is the same yesterday, today & forever. He knows you & He is for you even when you can’t imagine that you deserve it or that He still wants your heart. He will never fail you, leave you or stop pursuing you. if You’re walking with Him you’ll never be led astray.


Now read this

believing grace.

when we feel like we have our lives together, we don’t need grace, right? we’ve been conditioned to believe that grace is an eraser used only when we mess up, when we fall down and become entrapped or ensnared, when we feel ashamed,... Continue →