what you’re made of

today as you sit wondering how you’ve gotten to where you are. fearfully watching as the chasm between yesterday and today widens, I want you to remember what you’re made of. you are the sum of wild, wonderful things. you are the beautiful places you’ve been, the magic you’ve touched and the love you’ve shown. you’re made of the dreams you dreamed as a child, the simplicity of home, the freedom of being known fully. you’re made of moments shared and not easily forgotten. you’re made of every joy and pain you’ve ever known, you’re made of your bad days just as much as your good, you’re made of contrast that brings beauty. so, today as you sit wondering how you’ve gotten to where you are. fearfully watching as the chasm between yesterday and today widens, I want you to remember what you’re made of. that no matter what it might feel like, that the essence of who you are is still true, you are the sum of wild, wonderful things and whatever tomorrow might bring, someone out there needs someone just like you.


Now read this

the gifts of true love

((love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.)) 1 Corinthians 13:4 what is love? what image does it immediately draw to our mind’s eye? flowers, chocolate, wedding bells? maybe something more... Continue →